Saturday 17 January 2015

Poached Pears with Yogurt

These poached pears are simple and wonderful, whether you want to serve them for breakfast or dessert.

I gently poached them in a combination of apple and pomegranate juice along with a cinnamon stick and an orange rind. No additional sugar needed  – so easy and delicious!

My aunt recently had to stop eating dairy for health reasons, so when Silk approached me about their new dairy-free yogurt alternative I was excited to try it. My Aunt was super excited because she wasn't happy with the flavor and texture of two other brands she tried (Trader Joe's and Stonyfield's). I bought them all as well to do a taste comparison and hand down, Silk Dairy Free Yogurt Alternative had the best flavor and texture, it's delicious!

This recipe is also naturally gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian. These best part about these pears is that the can be made a few days in advance, and kept refrigerated until ready to eat.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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