Monday 10 September 2012

Skinny Pumpkin Overnight Oats in a Jar

Pumpkin spiced overnight oats with pumpkin butter, banana, chia and spice in a jar (no cooking required!) I know what I'll be eating for breakfast every morning for the next few weeks.

I've been eating overnight oats in a jar all summer, it's perfect to make the night before and eat on a busy weekday or even to bring to work. A few weeks ago someone emailed me about making a pumpkin version which I thought would be perfect for the Fall.

This weekend I whipped up a half batch up pumpkin butter (aka- pumpkin heaven on a spoon) and I stirred it into my oats along with chia, bananas and pepitas (pumpkin seeds) and it was delightful! If you like your oats a little sweeter, you add a few drops of stevia, honey or maple, but for me it was just right.

Pumpkin season's back which prompted me to create a Pinterest board called Pumpkin Madness for all my pumpkin recipes. If you're pumpkin obsessed, you'll want to follow this board! I also have them all in the recipe index, which you can see here.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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