Tuesday 11 September 2012

Beef Barley Soup

A hearty bowl of soup made with carrots, celery, onions, lean beef and pearl barley.

When I was a kid, we had soup for dinner almost every night. Sometimes we had a bowl as a first course, and other times as a main dish. I wasn't always very happy about this, because believe it or not I was a very picky kid. But when my Mom served Beef Barley, I never complained.

This soup is perfect for the cooler evenings as we head into Fall. It's a one pot meal that's really simple to make, but it takes a little over an hour for the meat to get tender, so keep that in mind if you're pressed for time. The pressure cooker is perfect to speed this up, I've also included instructions if you own one.

I wasn't sure what my toddler would think, but I fed it to her anyway and to my surprise she ate it. Leftovers only get better and make a great lunches; this also freezes great if you want to make freezer meals for the month. To make this soup gluten-free, you can sub the barley for quinoa.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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