Tuesday 5 June 2012

Mango Coconut Chia Pudding

I'm addicted to coconut, when I was pregnant it was all I craved! Combine that with mango and I'm in heaven!

...and using chia seeds to make an easy, healthy form of pudding which requires no cooking? Genius!

Chia pudding has a sort of tapioca texture, you simply combine all the ingredients and refrigerate overnight. The little tiny chia seeds when soaked in liquid expand to more than 4 times their size!

They don't really have much of a taste, the texture is similar to passion fruit if you've ever eaten one. And in case you're wondering, yes it's the same chia seed used to make Chia Pets. Chia is an excellent source of omega fatty acids and full of minerals, vitamins and fiber. Aside from making pudding, you can add them to smoothies, muffins, and my favorite, I throw them in my bowl of cereal.

Tested this pudding out on my pickiest family member, my teenage daughter Karina and she LOVED it to my surprise, she usually puts her nose up at some of my healthy creations.

What do you do with your chia? Would love to hear!

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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