Friday 1 June 2012

Skinny Chocolate Chip Fro-Yo Sandwiches

Skinny chocolate chip cookies made with absolutely no butter or oil sandwiched together with fat-free frozen yogurt and colored sprinkles. If this doesn't say summer, I don't know what does!

Don't you love happy mistakes?

Last week someone tweeted me and told me they made my Best Low Fat Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever but accidentally left out the butter and they came out great. So naturally I had to see for myself, and I couldn't believe it, they were great! For this recipe I also reduced the sugar a bit since I am adding sprinkles, they worked out great.

Since then I've been obsessing on turning them into ice cream sandwiches. I mentioned the other day on my Very Berry Banana Fro-Yo Shake how much I love Stonyfield's frozen vanilla yogurt so I put it to the test. Fourth of July will be here in no time so I made them red, white and blue. Colored sprinkles would be pretty too!

These are a little messy to make, but fun to make with the kids. You don't have to make the whole batch, you can make as little as one sandwich as needed or make them all. The only advice I have is make sure the frozen yogurt is really cold, and after you dip them into the sprinkles place them back in the freezer until they set. Keep them frozen until you are ready to eat, enjoy!

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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