Thursday 8 November 2012

Sweet Potato Turkey Shepherds Pie

Ground turkey sautéed with mixed vegetables, sliced mushrooms and fresh herbs with a savory garlic sweet potato topping. Comfort food without the guilt!

This is a crazy month for the North East. First we got slammed with a hurricane, and yesterday a Nor'easter. This is what it looks like outside my door...

Thousands of people, including myself are still without power. Here on the south shore of Long Island, the fear the power company has is if they turn the power back on, it may start fires to the homes with severe water damage. There of talks of having to inspect every home before they turn the power back on... I'm afraid this means it could be a while before I get my power back.

I'm not complaining, I'm managing fine for now thanks to my generator to keep my house warm, but many neighbors aren't so lucky. Yesterday I visited an elderly woman who lives by herself, was cold, had no food and it just broke my heart knowing she is one of many. My girlfriend and I went grocery shopping for her and brought her some food and batteries and a warm hug, but she insisted on staying home despite the cold.

Talk about a month to give thanks, I just want to remind you all to count your blessings! Be thankful for the little things: heat, clean water, hot showers, electricity, and hot food on the table. The simple necessities we often take for granted.

This dish can be assembled ahead of time, then baked in the oven when you are ready to eat. It also freezes well and reheats great. I made them in individual oven safe dishes for perfect portion control, but you can also make this in one large pie dish.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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