Sunday 4 November 2012

Pumpkin Hazelnut White Chocolate Biscotti

Hazelnuts, white chocolate and pumpkin spices are the perfect combination for these crispy "adult" cookies. Biscotti is an Italian crescent shaped cookie that is twice baked and perfect for dunking into coffee, tea or even milk.

If you have electricity and a warm oven to bake these in today, take a moment to be thankful and think about the hundreds of thousands who do not.

It's Sunday, day seven of no electricity for many of us on the South Shore of Long Island, Staten Island, Brooklyn and New Jersey. It's getting cold outside and gas has been very hard to come by, but I am fortunate I was able to stay at my Mom's last night. 

I am thankful for my family, the roof over my head and hot food to eat and so sad for those around me who lost everything. I donated clothing, donated to the Red Cross, and plan on doing more once my power is restored and I can get gas.  The way I see it, I can't help everyone, but if everyone helps one person they will be in much better shape. Hope you all have a warm Sunday with your loved ones and be thankful for the little things we take for granted.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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