Tuesday 20 August 2013

Tomato and Zucchini Frittata


Garden tomatoes, summer zucchini, and Asiago cheese make a scrumptious frittata that highlights the end of summer's bounty.

Summer tomatoes are abundant and delicious right now – my garden is overflowing with them! I've been enjoying them in salads and quick garden sauces, over grilled flank steak, and in my egg sandwiches. But today I wanted to make something different, using up some zucchini that I bought at the farmer's market this weekend and I came up with this delicious frittata.

What I love about frittatas is that you can enjoy them for any meal and they are so inexpensive to make. Today's leftovers from lunch are going to be tomorrow's breakfast. Perfect for meatless mondays, gluten free, clean eating and low carb diets.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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