Wednesday 24 October 2012

Roasted Pumpkin Sage Soup

Pumpkin season is in full swing, and this pumpkin soup is the perfect first course for any meal. Use a hollowed out pumpkin as a bowl for a beautiful presentation.

The aroma of roasted pumpkins and sage smells like everything I love about Thanksgiving – warmth, comfort, family and friends. 

If you can't find sugar or pumpkin pie pumpkins, acorn squash or butternut would work fine it it's place. This soup can be made ahead and reheated when ready to serve.

I went pumpkin picking a few weeks ago and and had so many sugar pumpkins, I knew I was going to use some as bowls. Wouldn't this be beautiful on your Thanksgiving table! Completely optional, but if you want to do this, look for small pumpkins, about 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 lbs, otherwise your bowls will hold too much soup.  To make the bowls, I followed this method only I roasted them 15 minutes longer. You can do this a day ahead, then heat in the oven before serving to keep your soup warm. I actually washed mine after using and they still look good.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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