Friday 18 January 2013

Best Guacamole Recipe

 Best Guacamole – we eat this ALL the time!

Guacamole is one of my favorite appetizers, and my husband is usually the one who makes it. It's flavorful, clean, and healthy, but we eat it because we love it. His recipe is simple, but simple is good! He has converted many non-avocado lovers with this recipe.

The trick is to a good guacamole is leave large chunks of avocado; don't mash them thoroughly and having a perfect balance of lime juice, red onion and salt is essential. If you like it hot, you can certainly add some diced jalapeño, some people also like to add diced tomato which is fine, but we like it just like this!

I posted this recipe a while back, but the photos needed some updating so I figured I'd re-post in time for the Superbowl.

Best Guacamole Recipe – this is my husband's recipe, it's PERFECTION!

Avocados may be high in fat, but they have the good essential healthy fats which we should consume every day. They are also high in fiber, rich in vitamin B, E and K and have 60 percent more potassium than bananas. I love avocado so much I created an entire Avocado Obsessed Pinterest board in their honor. 

Guacamole is great with baked tortilla chips, lentil chips, baked plantain chips, chicken fajitas, or even on a wrap in place of mayonnaise. Sometimes we even make guacamole turkey burgers, I'll have to share the recipe when the weather warms up.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

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